Our History

Sibling Connections was founded by Judy Cockerton with the establishment of Camp Sibling Connections, a week-long overnight camp for kids in foster care experiencing separation from their siblings.
After the first camp and witnessing first hand how vital the sibling connection is for children who have experienced trauma, we expanded our mission by establishing Sibling Socials in Western MA, offering regularly scheduled opportunities for siblings to connect in a safe environment and create joyous shared memories that most siblings take for granted.

In 2013, we launched a Youth Leadership Program (YLP) as a part of our camp programming in order to maintain relationships with our older participants. YLPs experience a combination of workshops to develop leadership skills and assist counselors as a peer leader to younger participants.
In 2016, we established bi-annual Weekend Retreats, giving 30-35 siblings the opportunity to spend a typical weekend together making pancakes, playing games and having fun at winterized camps or retreat centers throughout the state.

When the Pandemic struck, we immediately shifted from in-person programming to Virtual Sibling Visits. Zoom game nights, dance parties, and a virtual trip to the planetarium allowed siblings time to see each other when DCF visits halted. We even held Virtual Camp that August, sending each participant a Camp Kit, complete with a craft and a microwave cupcake mix to celebrate birthdays.
In 2023…

We look forward to a future of serving even more siblings groups across the state, expanding our programs, and continuing to spread awareness on the importance of sibling relationships.