We will welcome 100 separated siblings to Camp Sibling Connections in The Berkshires!

Camp Sibling Connections is made up of people from many walks of life and professional experiences. Together, we work to ensure all participants and volunteers, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, or disability, have the opportunities to fully engage and succeed in our programming.
Siblings rotate through various camp activities during the mornings and afternoons in Family Groups. Some examples:
- Archery
- Ropes Course
- Swimming
- Aqua Park
- Culinary Arts
- Gaga
- Basketball
- Tie-Dye

Although we love all the activities, some of our favorites are geared toward strengthening the sibling bond. Sibling Pillows, Birthday Store Shopping, and Sibling Scrapbooks provide siblings tangible items that capture special moments shared together at Camp.
Opening and Closing Campfires, Siblings Talent Show, Beach Party, Carnival Night and Birthday Bash are events which all family groups participate and make lifelong memories!

Our camp will be staffed with trained volunteers who will run activities and help facilitate sibling interactions throughout the week. We maintain a 3:1 Camper to Counselor ratio. Our host camp will provide staff certified in lifeguarding, boating, and ropes course.
Participants are divided into cabins with counselors, usually about 14 people. Cabins are clean and spacious, equipped with sinks, showers and bathroom stalls. Each participant has their own bunk and space for their belongings. We don’t spend a lot of time in the cabins, but when we do, we’re comfortable!

We offer transportation to and from camp. Bus Counselors, adult volunteers, will meet families at the Bus Stop to help with medications, luggage, and boarding the bus. These bus stops are currently located in five areas:
- Boston
- Middleboro
- Lowell/Lawrence
- Shrewsbury
- Chicopee

The cost for our week of Camp is $587 per participant.